Way back when, I posted a knit poster I had made, that had taken entirely too long to create in bulk. Well, our end design turned out really successful. Basically, I designed punchcards for each of the 4 sections of text. Then my team of knitters, actually 90% Emily in knitting monitor-mode, knit away long bands of each punchcard in different color combinations. I then washed the long blanket-like pieces, and sewed 2 rows of zigzag stitch between each portion of knitted text and cut the different sections apart from one another. A tag-team effort at the linking machine meant Emily and I were able to get all the posters finished just in time. We were aiming for 20 posters, but we ended up with 26! That's amazing! We even had a spare date portion to sew over the larger poster that had been knit with the wrong date. Anyways, I put them all up in our studio to get the other kids excited about our show and to take a picture of them all before they were put up, and inevitably stolen.

Before these pieces were reattached to the rest of their posters. I just thought this would be an awesome picture for the Textiles portion of the school's look book (instead of the random stuff they have had the past few years)

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