Saturday, April 25, 2009

Show Promos: The Beach

I couldn't show these guys until after the show was over, because I didn't want to ruin the surprise for anyone in Providence. The Textiles show is always one of the best advertised shows, because we are one of the only majors who do not have any other space to display our work. Our senior show is a big deal to us, so we want to make people excited about it.

First off, we created a 3D stuffed letter sign for this huge brick wall on the tiny patch of grass (known as the beach) that sits in the center of our "campus". Students signed up for 1 or 2 letters and my friend Emily and I devised a way to hang all the letters up together. This project made me very happy to work on because it was so collaborative and the results were very diverse.

The shining E was covered in reflective tape. MY face is saying "Wow, it's cold out here" But this is the only picture I have with our sign.

These are some of the only pictures I have of our beloved sign, because only 2 nights after we put it up, someone, actually a couple drunken someones, came and tore our sign apart. Only 2 letters were hanging by morning. The general code around school about signage or promo stuff is that stealing is fine, but only after the event. It was only Wednesday, our opening was Thursday, and we were totally bummed. So, I got together a bunch of fabric we had sitting in our studio free bin, sewed them together, and made a quick retaliation sign. While I was making it, someone suggested the "2.0" which I thought would add a nice touch. Here it is in it's hanging glory, back on the beach (which is really a patch of grass):

1 comment:

Unknown said...

which letters did you make? i think my favorite is the "T" - so ornate!